RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

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The Forest Service National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) is a leading source of technical information for nurseries and land managers regarding production and planting of trees and other native plants for reforestation, restoration, and conservation.

NPN Protocol Details Image

Rhexia (virginica)

Cougar Springs Ranch
1000 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11225

Family Scientific Name: Melastomataceae
Family Common Name: Melastome
Scientific Name: Rhexia virginica L.
Common Name: handsome harry
Species Code: RHVI
General Distribution: Wet sands, ditches, gravelly shores, savannas.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Time To Grow: 0
Establishment Phase: In a greenhouse (65F night, 75F day temperature) seeds can be sown in late winter into seed pans. Do not cover the small seeds. It's important to keep the medium evenly moist during the germination period. Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. After germination repot into 2 inch containers. Keep medium always moist.
Length of Establishment Phase: 8-10 weeks
Active Growth Phase: Repot into quarter gallon container and keep the medium evenly moist. Growing medium composition is 1 part sand to 4 parts of potting mix containing 40-50% of composted pine bark.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 12-14 weeks
Other Comments: Under these conditions plants will flower in their first year of growth, about 22-24 weeks after sowing.
References: Posluszny U, Sharp MJ, Keddy PA. 1984. Vegetative propagation in Rhexia virginica (Melastomataceae): some morphological and ecological considerations. Can J Bot v. 62 (10): 2118-2121.

Larson BMH, Barrett SCH. 1999. The ecology of pollen limitation in buzz-pollinated Rhexia virginica (Melastomataceae). Journal of ecology 87 (3): 371-381.

Wurdack JJ, Kral R. 1982. The genera of Melastomataceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 63: 429-439


Chiari, Alessandro. 2004. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Rhexia virginica L. plants Cougar Springs Ranch Brooklyn, New York. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/02/24). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.