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The Forest Service National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) is a leading source of technical information for nurseries and land managers regarding production and planting of trees and other native plants for reforestation, restoration, and conservation.

NPN Protocol Details Image

Allium (ascalonicum)

Steve Parr
Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Center
P.O. Box 448, 5538 - RBC 4
Meeker, Colorado 81641
(970) 878-5003
(970) 878-5004 (fax)

Family Scientific Name: Liliaceae
Family Common Name: Lily family
Scientific Name: Allium ascalonicum
Common Name: wild onion
Species Code: ALAS2
Ecotype: Colorado and Wyoming elevations of 6200 feet
General Distribution: Allium ascalonicum grows in dry to moist soil in valleys, open hillsides, ridges and can be found in the mountain elevations as high as 9000 feet.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.)
Time To Grow: Weeks
Propagule Collection: Seed in Colorado begins to ripen in early July. It is collected when the inflorescence begins to dry, but not yet shattered and the inflorescence turns black. At this stage, hand harvest is easily performed or you can clip the plant.
Propagule Processing: Seeds are cleaned by placing them in a Forsberg for approximately 20 seconds. Then seeds are run through a two-screened fanning mill with low fan speed. Top screen on the mill is a number 6, closed screen on the bottom. Seeds are run several times until desired cleanness is achieved.
Pre-Planting Treatments: No treatment was performed on the seed prior to planting in the field.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Propagation Environment: Seed beds were firm and weed free. In August, the seed was directly seeded into the ground and cold stratified over the winter.
Establishment Phase: Sowing date: August Sowing/Planting Technique: Seeded with a belt seeder at 0.25 inches depth.
Length of Establishment Phase: Two growing seasons
Length of Active Growth Phase: Active growth occurs in early spring.
Other Comments: In Colorado, plant top growth appears in early spring and is completed by late May.
References: Craighead and Davis. 1963. A Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, MA.

USDA, NRCS. 2011. The PLANTS Database (http://plants.usda.gov, 29 December 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.


Blanke, Terri; Woodruff, Heather. 2011. Propagation protocol for production of Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Allium ascalonicum plants Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Center Meeker, Colorado. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/01). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.