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The Forest Service National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) is a leading source of technical information for nurseries and land managers regarding production and planting of trees and other native plants for reforestation, restoration, and conservation.

NPN Protocol Details Image

Artemisia (douglasiana)

Courtney Johnson
Building 201, Fort Mason
San Francisco, California 94123

Family Scientific Name: Asteraceae
Family Common Name: Aster
Scientific Name: Artemisia douglasiana Besser
Common Synonym: Artemisia vulgaris Besser californica
Common Name: Mugwort
Species Code: ARTDOU
General Distribution: Open to shady places, often in drainages or distrubed areas; many plant communities; <2200m; Baja CA to WA, ID.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: vegetative
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: Wild collected
Time To Grow: 4 Months
Target Specifications: Fully-rooted Deepot 16 container plant
Propagule Collection: Collection period: Feb-May, in California (after rains, before summer dieback)
Cutting characteristics: Herbaceous stems, at least 12 cm length and 4 mm diameter, collected prior to bud break, with at least 4 nodes.
Collection procedures: Cuttings are taken in the morning to keep turgid and fresh. Pruners are sterilized with isopropyl alcohol between cuttings.
Propagule Processing: Cleaning: Cuttings are rinsed and checked for pests prior to propagation
Storage: Cuttings are stored in plastic bags with moist paper towels in the field and quickly transported to nursery refrigerator. Cuttings are propagated within 4 hours of collection.
Pre-Planting Treatments: Cuttings are treated with Dip 'n Grow Rooting Hormone #1 (IBA/NAA) diluted to 1250PPM (20:1).

Cuttings are debudded and defoliated, except for 4 upper leaves. Leaf area is reduced if exceeded approximately 25 sq. cm. Cutting ends are retrimmed, prior to sticking.

Cuttings are propagated in deep flats (36 cm x 36 cm) containing 3:1 perlite/vermiculite. 50 cuttings are propagated in each deep flat. Cuttings are 12 cm in length and stuck 6 cm deep in media.
Establishment Phase: Fully Controlled Greenhouse.

Flats are watered with an automatic mist system (VPD 10) and provided with bottom heat (70 degrees F) until roots are fully developed. Daytime ambient air temperatures in the greenhouse ranged from 70-85 F. Nighttime ambient air temperatures in the greenhouse ranged from 50-60 F.
Rooting %: 100
Length of Establishment Phase: 3 weeks
Active Growth Phase: Cuttings are transplanted to individual containers 2"x7" tubes (Deepot 16) containing compost-based potting mix of compost, perlite, and sand.
Cuttings are placed in the shadehouse and watered automatically 30 minutes/week. In the first 7 days after transplanting, cuttings are very susceptible to wilt and/or burn; cover with additional shadecloth, if necessary.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 3 months
Other Comments: Because A. douglasiana cuttings are herbaceous, they are very susceptible to insect pests. Throughly checking cuttings prior to propagation and removing inflorescence did not curtail thrip and leaf-miner problems. Chemical treatment may be prudent.
References: A California Flora and Supplement, Munz, P., University of California Press, Berkeley and London, 1973.


Johnson, Courtney Leilani. 2003. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Artemisia douglasiana Besser plants Wild collected; San Francisco, California. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/01). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.