RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

National Reforestation & Restoration Directory

The directory is your online source for finding businesses that support the propagation of forest and native plant materials in the US and Canada. You can search the directory by name, state, product, or business type.

To submit updates or additions to the directory, please contact us.


30 items displayed of 1084 total.  

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Nursery Type:

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Two Ferns Native Nursery
US Fish & Wildlife Service - Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Native Plant Nursery
US Fish & Wildlife Service - Kilauea Lighthouse National Wildlife Refuge Native Plant Nursery
USDA Forest Service - Bessey Nursery
USDA Forest Service - Coeur d'Alene Nursery
USDA Forest Service - J Herbert Stone Nursery
USDA Forest Service - JW Toumey Nursery
USDA Forest Service - Lucky Peak Nursery
USDA Forest Service - Nebraska National Forest & Grasslands
USDA Forest Service - Placerville Nursery
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service - Rose Lake Plant Materials Center
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service - Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Materials Center
USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs - Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs | Southern Ute Agency
USDI Bureau of Land Management - Walter Horning Seed Orchard
USDI National Park Service - Glacier National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Haleakula National Park Native Plant Nurseries
USDI National Park Service - Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Kalaupapa National Historic Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Mount Rainier National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Olympic National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Rocky Mountain National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service - Zion National Park Native Plant Nursery
USDI National Park Service | Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks Ash Mountain Native Plant Nursery
USDI Park Service | Joshua Tree National Park | Center for Arid Lands Restoration
Uncle Tim's Farm & Garden Center
University of Hawai'i at Manoa - Harold L Lyon Arboretum
University of Idaho | Center for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Native Plant Nursery
Urban Forestry Services