Jehane Samaha

National Urban Nursery Specialist
USDA Forest Service
State, Private, and Tribal Forestry
Philadelphia, PA
After working in tree phenology research and woody plant propagation at the Arnold and Morris arboreta, I was fascinated by the disconnects I observed (of information and plant material) between the nursery industry, urban foresters, and public gardens. This led me to complete a multi-disciplinary Masters’ thesis at the University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Forestry on urban tree species selection. I then returned to the Morris Arboretum as an urban forestry consultant, before diving into community driven tree planting and care via the Tree Tenders program at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS). At PHS I coordinated the planting of 3,500 urban trees over 3 years in cooperation with city partners and local volunteers. I love teaching, and though all my work I remain committed to communicating environmental information in relatable and engaging ways. I enjoy biking around the city, touching plants and dirt, making art, cooking meals for friends, and sharing ideas and skills for a better future.
ISA Certified Municipal Specialist Arborist PD-2675AM
MSc 2019, Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada
ScB 2013.5, Environmental Science, Brown University, Providence RI USA