Carolyn "Carrie" Pike
![Carrie Pike](Carrie-Pike.jpg/image_preview)
Forest Regeneration Specialist
USDA Forest Service
State, Private, and Tribal Forestry
Purdue University
715 West State Street
West Layfayette, IN 47907-2061
TEL: 765.496.6417
I previously worked at the University of Minnesota running the daily operations of the Minnesota Tree Improvement Cooperative from the Cloquet Forestry Center since 1998. More recently, I served as Director of Operations of the center and the Hubachek Wilderness Research Center (Ely, MN) while completing my Ph.D. in Natural Resources Science and Management at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul. My dissertation project, on white spruce, included studying the effects of simulated winter warming on early season phenology, along with an evaluation of phenotypic and physiologic traits of seed sources selected for improved growth.
My thesis project for my Master of Science at the State University of New York (ESF), Syracuse, included characterizing black oak decline on Long Island, NY with a secondary project studying growth, blister rust, and weevil incidence at provenance trial replicated in New York and Maine. While earning my Bachelor of Science in biology at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, I spent a semester at the School for Field Studies, Center for Rainforest Studies, in Queensland, Australia. I am currently the Forest Regeneration Specialist for the Eastern Region based at Purdue University which is home to the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center. I provide technical assistance to nursery and genetic resource programs in the 20-states served by the Eastern Region and support national efforts to advance genetics, seed zones, resistance breeding, and assisted migration for all lands.