RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Propagation Protocols

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US, Canada or Mexico Pacific Island

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The Native Plant Network is devoted to the sharing of information on how to propagate native plants of North America (US, Canada, Mexico and the Pacific Islands).

To search the database, enter the search criteria to the right and then click the Search button. For best results, start fairly broad (so enter text in only a couple of fields) and narrow your search if that returns too many results. The search results will be show below.

To submit updates or additions to the database of species you successfully grow, use the Add/Edit Protocols link to learn more about becoming a propagator or to login and start adding and editing your protocols.


Database Entries

30 items displayed of 3220 total.
View for Printing Genus (species) Synonym Propagation Method Product Type Stock Type State Year

Scirpus (microcarpus)

Seed Container (plug) 107 ml (6.5 in3) container Oregon 2020

Scirpus (microcarpus)

Seed Container (plug) 10 cubic inch conetainer Idaho 2016

Scirpus (microcarpus)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Oregon 2007

Scrophularia (californica)

seed Container (plug) Deepot 16 California 2002

Scutellaria (lateriflora)

seed Container (plug) New York 2004

Scyphiphora (hydrophyllacea)

seed Container (plug) 3L (1 gal) polybags Federated States of Micronesia 2005


seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Colorado 2001

Sedum (integrifolium)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Sedum (lanceolatum)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Sedum (lanceolatum)

seed Container (plug) 160 ml conetainers Montana 2008

Sedum (roseum)

Sedum integrifolium vegetative Container (plug) 490 ml containers Montana 2008

Sedum (stenopetalum)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Senecio (aronicanoides)

Senecio Aronicoides seed Container (plug) Stubby container Oregon 2014

Senecio (atratus)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Colorado 2001

Senecio (fendleri)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Colorado 2001

Senecio (flaccidus)

Senecio douglasii seed Container (plug) 2 Gallon PVC Pipe container California 2003

Senecio (integerrimus)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Senecio (integerrimus)

seed Container (plug) 10 cu. in. Washington 2009

Senecio (serra)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Senecio (serra)

seed Container (plug) 10 cu. in. Washington 2008

Senecio (triangularis)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Propagation Goal: Develop technology for direct seeding of this species for high elevation habitat restoration. Montana 2003

Senecio (triangularis)

Senecio triangularis seed Container (plug) 160 ml conetainers Montana 2008

Senecio (triangularis)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Colorado 2001

Senna (armata)

Cassia armata seed Container (plug) 2 Gallon PVC Pipe containers California 2003

Senna (covesii)

seed Propagules (seeds, cuttings, poles, etc.) Oregon 2008

Senna (hebecarpa)

seed Container (plug) 1+0 container plug West Virginia 2015

Sequoia (sempervirens)

Taxodium sempervirens seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Sequoiadendron (giganteum)

seed Container (plug) Kentucky 2002

Serianthes (kanehiae)

seed Container (plug) 3L (1 gal) polybags Federated States of Micronesia 2005

Sericocarpus (oregonensis)

Seed Container (plug) 164 ml (10 in3) container Oregon 2018