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Home Native Plant Network Journal Articles Production of conifer bareroot seedlings using controlled release fertilizer

Native Plants Journal - Article

Production of conifer bareroot seedlings using controlled release fertilizer


We grow a variety of 2+0 bareroot conifer species with controlled release fertilizer (CRF), supplemented with conventional fertilizers, because the seedlings grow well, the process is cost effective, and less nitrogen needs to be applied, which reduces the potential for environmental contamination because of leaching. Incorporating CRF in autumn before autumn sowing helps retain the fertilizer prills in the seedbeds during the first growing season and makes a steady supply of fertilizer available even when wet spring soils prevent conventional fertilizer applications.

Issue & Pages:

Fall 2007 Pages: 288-293

Article Download:

7-3NPJ315-323.pdf (PDF document)


  • Joseph M Vande Hey


bareroot production, Larix laricina, Picea glauca, Picea mariana, Pinus banksiana, Pinus resinosa, Pinus strobus, Thuja occidentalis