Native Plants Journal - Article
Experiences establishing native wetland plants in a constructed wetland
Over 8000 seedlings, representing 10 wetland plant species, were grown from locally collected seeds and planted in a constructed wetland system. Seeds were, for the most part, easily collected and cleaned, but Scirpus and Carex seeds required tumbling treatment to remove the perigynia. Germination was high when seeds were kept moist, hot (32 to 35 ø0 to 95 ønd in light following a 30 d stratification at 1 to 2 ø4 to 36 øn moistened sphagnum peat moss. Seedlings were grown in
water tanks for 3 mo and planted in early fall. Initial establishment was 100% but when the constructed wetlands were filled in late spring, submerged seedlings died. Our constructed wetland system was a cooperative effort of several public and private agencies and is providing many educational opportunities to our community.
Issue & Pages:
Spring 2001 Pages: 36-41
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- David Steinfeld
Carex, Scirpus, Juncus, partnerships, water quality, container nursery, seed treatments