Native Plants Journal - Article
Colorado native plant survey--voices of the green industry.
We interviewed 33 companies to understand the current status of Colorado's Green Industry's native plant sector. Most responses to the survey referred to problems with native plant work and the great need for more information, education, and research. The respondents' top concerns included: propagation, issues of genetic variability, availability of retail-quality native plant material, cultural and other information to aid in the marketing of native plants, lack of commercially available seeds, maintenance in landscapes and on restoration sites, and finally, public perceptions that often hinder acceptance of projects that incorporate native plants. Respondents agreed overwhelmingly that the native plant sector is growing slowly, and the growth is being driven primarily by water conservation concerns.
Issue & Pages:
Fall 2002 Pages: 121-125
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- Laurel E Potts
- Michael J Roll
- Stephen J Wallner
native plant sector, rural-to-urban continuum, restoring disturbed areas, native plant materials, environmental stewardship, cultured landscapes, perception differences