RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Prairie Legacy Inc


Prairie Legacy provides local ecotype seed for Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota, specializing in wildflower seed and pollinator mixes for tallgrass prairie. We also provide native plants including wildflowers, grasses, and some trees and shrubs. In addition our team of Biologist provide environmental survey work including vegetation surveys, wetland delineations and threatened and endangered species surveys.

Physical / Mailing Address:

1225 County Road U
Western, NE 68464


Kay Kottas
ph: (402) 310-8167

Area of Operation:

United States

Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota


Nursery Products and Services

Nursery type
  • Private not Government
Business type
  • Contract legal agreement involved, including Custom Growing
  • Internet online ordering
  • Retail sell to ultimate consumer
  • Wholesale sell to others for resale