RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

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Publication Spring Fumigation Using Totally Impermeable Film May Cause Ectomycorrhizal Deficiencies at Sandy Loblolly Pine Nurseries
Stunted 1-0 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings occurred at two bareroot nurseries in 2017. At both nurseries, soil was spring fumigated and covered ...
Publication Advancing toward a transcriptional map of the loblolly pine genome
We are evaluating several approaches to identify and map expressed genes with known functions to create a transcriptional, or gene, map of the loblolly pine ...
Publication Impact Of Seed Insects On Control-pollinated Slash Pine Cones
Screening to exclude insects greatly increased the seed yields from self-, polycross-, and wind-pollinated slash pine cones. The sample cones were dissected ...
Publication Lengthened Cold Stratification Improves Bulk Whitebark Pine Germination
Crucial to the restoration of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) ecosystems is the ability of forest managers to locate, propagate, and reintroduce viable, ...
Publication Arsenic Toxicity in Red Pine and the Persistence of Arsenic in Nursery Soils
Small amounts of arsenic occur in all soils and plants, but use of arsenic-bearing insecticides in earlier years and of arsenical herbicides recently has ...
Publication Long-Term Storage of Longleaf Pine Seeds
Seeds of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) are considered the most difficult of the southern pines to store, because their thin seedcoats are ...
Publication Excessive Rainfall Prior to Lifting Adversely Affects Seedling Physiology
Observations over the past two decades indicate that waterlogged conditions in the nursery during the fall can adversely affect the transplantability of ...
Publication Over Winter Cold Storage of Red and White Pine Transplants Successful in Northern Indiana
Overwinter cold storage at the Jasper-Pulaski Nursery in northern Indiana kept red and white pine (Pinus resinosa Alt, and P. strobus L.) transplants in ...
Publication Genetic Improvement of Virginia Pine Christmas Trees
Approximately 10 half-sib families of Virginia pine from 9 different sources located in Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee were grown and ...
Publication Performance of Slash Pine Bare-root Seedlings and Containerized Rooted Cuttings Planted on Five Dates in Louisiana
Abstract— Landowners are interested in extending the normal planting season, as well as the comparative field performance, of nursery bare-root seedlings and ...
Publication Improving Storage of Spruce Pine Seed
Landowners where spruce pine (Pinus glabra Walt.) grows best have recently become interested in planting and seeding this species because it grows fast and ...
Publication Flowering Response of Juvenile Selections in Loblolly Pine
Four types of loblolly pine scions were grafted and subjected to female strobilus induction. These scion types were: age one (1) from nursery-grown ...
Publication Influence of Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Ponderosa Pine Seedlings Outplanted on Wildfire Sites in Northeast Oregon and Washington
Hot-planted, 4-month-old container ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson) seedlings were planted on five sites affected by wildfire in northeast ...
Publication Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Rate in the Seedbed on Growth of Loblolly Pine in the Field
Varying rates of nitrogen were applied to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedbeds at 2 nurseries in Virginia. At the New Kent Nursery, the rates were 168, ...
Publication Effects of Foliar Urea Fertilization on Nitrogen Concentrations of Containerized 2+0 Jack Pine Seedlings Produced in Forest Nurseries
A 7-day study of urea foliar fertilization was performed during the growing season (July) of containerized 2+0 jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) to evaluate if ...
Publication Forestry and Tree Planting in Virginia
Virginia (including the lower Chesapeake Bay) occupies 27.3 million acres (11 million hectares), 58 percent of which is forested (15.8 million acres or 6.4 ...
Publication Nebraska: The Tree Planters’ State
From the ponderosa pine forests of the Panhandle’s Pine Ridge to the hardwood forests of the Missouri River bluffs, Nebraska is rich in tree and forest ...
Publication Growth and stem sinuosity of diverse provenances of three-year-old loblolly pine
Stem height and sinuosity of stem and of branches were measured at age three in a trial established in southwest Georgia with 13 to 16 OP families from each ...
Publication Shallow Sand Cover Gives Best Germination of Black Spruce Seeds
In trials with black spruce seeds sown on organic soil in plastic tubes at four depths of sand cover, maximum germination resulted with the 1/16 in. cover. ...
Publication Influence of Soil Fumigation and Fungicide Application on Outplanted Ponderosa Pine Seedlings
Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) was used as a model to determine the effects of soil fumigation and fungicide applications on outplanted stock in ...
Publication Cold hardiness of Atlantic coastal and Piedmont sources of loblolly pine and their hybrids
Planting loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) outside the natural range or at higher elevations than it normally occurs negatively impacts its survival, growth ...
Publication Clonal Propagation and Genetic Testing of Virginia Pine
Texas Christmas tree growers plant approximately 800,000 Virginia pine (pinus virginiana Mill.) seedlings each year. In 1981 a tree improvement cooperative ...
Publication Development and Field Performance of Slash and Loblolly Pine Seedlings Produced in Fumigated Nursery Seedbeds and Seedbeds Amended with Organic Residues
The Montreal Protocol assessment of 1991 identifying methyl bromide as a chemical contributing to the depletion of the stratospheric zone layer and the U.S. ...
Publication Determining Avian Herbivory Patterns at Sowing Using Loblolly and Longleaf Pine Seed
Avian herbivory of pine seeds is a leading cause of seedling loss in container nurseries. Practices currently used to prevent herbivory are not fully effective ...
Publication Expected Genetic Gains and Development Plans for Two Longleaf Pine
Selection and thinning plans were developed for two longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.), third-generation seedling seed orchards located in southeastern ...
Publication Effects of Combination Plowing on the Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine
Six trial sites were established in the Southeast United States to investigate the effect of a combination of surface and subsurface tillage on survival and ...
Publication Comparison of Planting Bar and Hoedad Planted Seedlings for Survival and Growth in a Controlled Environment
Abstract— In the Western Gulf Region of the United States, the traditional tool for planting loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) hasbeen the dibble (planting bar). ...
Publication Effects of container size on White Pine and Douglas-Fir survival and growth in North Dakota
This study was designed to determine the effect container size has on field survival and growth of western white pine (Pinus monticola) and Douglas-fir ...
Publication Whitebark Pine Germination: Is It Really That Difficult?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center (DGRC) has been producing whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) ...
Publication Effects of Water Level and Fertilizer Combinations on Loblolly and Slash Pine Seedlings
This study reports interacting influences of three fertilization levels and four controlled water regimes for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and slash pine (P. ...