RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

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1994 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
New Official Look FNN Literature Source FNN Update Form Nursery Meetings National Nursery Issues Methyl Bromide Update The Worker Protection Standard: You ...
1995 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
International Nursery Issues Improving Polybag Culture for Sustainable Nurseries Volunteer Nursery Assignments Cultural Perspectives What is a Soil ...
1995 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Contents Nursery Meetings and Workshops National Nursery Issues Methyl Bromide Fumigation &#;Update Ecological Alternatives Recycling Nursery ...
1996 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Spanish Version of FNN Nursery Meetings Cultural Perspectives Secondary Nutrients - Magnesium Seed Treatments To Overcome Dormancy Cost of Mycorrhizal ...
1996 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery Meetings and Workshops Cultural Perspectives Seedling Storage Secondary Nutrients - Calcium What Is a Soil Management Plan, and Why Would You Want ...
1997 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
1997 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
1998 IEG Workshop - “Wood and Wood Fibers: Properties and Genetic Improvement”
The Institute of Paper Science and Technology hosted the 1998 IEG Workshop, cosponsored by International Paper and the Institute of Paper Science and ...
Dana Nelson and John Cairney
1998 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry Soil Management and Growing Media Seeds Pesticides Seedling Physiology and Morphology Pest Management Outplanting ...
1998 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery Meetings and Workshops Cultural Perspectives Role of Water in Nurseries Micronutrients -Manganese Role in Plant Nutrition Availability and ...
1999 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery News Meetings and Workshops Equipment, Products, and Services Cultural Tips New Nursery Literature Special Orders Articles on the Literature Order ...
1999 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery News Editorial RNGR Contacts Nursery Meetings and Workshops Nursery Directories New Nursery Literature Special Orders Articles on the Literature ...
2. Caracterización de las Semillas
2. Cylindrocarpon Root Disease
Robert L. James
2. Planning a Tropical Nursery
Every nursery is unique. Tropical nurseries operate in a vast range of environmental, social, and economic contexts. Each nursery has a unique design based ...
Kim M. Wilkinson and Thomas D. Landis
2. Planning the Planting Operation
Species and Seed Source Selection, The Planting Season, Ordering Seedlings, and Seedling Quality
Clark W. Lantz
2. Should I Grow My Own Seedlings
Growing seedlings at home can be a fun and rewarding hobby for the entire family. You may wish to grow your own seedlings for many reasons: 1) the annual ...
David Wenny, R. Kasten Dumroese and Thomas Landis
20. Cranberry Girdler
Art Antonelli
20. Discovering Ways to Improve Nursery Practices and Plant Quality
Working with plants is a process of discovery. Being curious and aware, paying close attention, and staying open and adaptive are important practices. Books ...
Diane L. Haase and Kim M. Wilkinson
2000 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery Meetings Health and Safety Is the Sun Coming Out? The Headline: "EPA warns gardeners about handling vermiculite". Cultural Perspectives Propagating ...
2000 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery Networks Native Plants Journal - Inaugural Issue in Spring Nursery Meetings New Nursery Literature Bareroot Production Container Production Diverse ...
2001 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Forest Nursery Notes Nursery Networks Nursery Meetings Health and Safety The Trouble With Ticks Cultural Perspectives Micronutrients - Boron Integrated Pest ...
2001 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Nursery Networks New Woody Plant Seed Manual Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association (WFCNA) Forest Nursery Notes Winter Nursery Meetings Health ...
2002 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
2002 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Types of Overwinter Injury Nursery Networks: New Website Micronutrients - Molybdenum Nursery Meetings The Long Tube Stocktype and Expandable ...
2003 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Managing soil with organic matter, Subsuface banding at J. Herbert Stone, Seedling quality tests: cold hardiness,
Tom Landis
2004 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Thomas D. Landis
2004 Summer Forest Nursery Notes
Thomas D. Landis
2004 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
The Q-Plug: A One Year Transplant, Macronutrients - Nitrogen: Part 2, Seedling Quality Tests: Bud Dormancy, Nursery Seedlings Increase Genetic Diversity,
Thomas D. Landis
2004 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
The Q-Plug: A One Year Transplant, Macronutrients - Nitrogen: Part 2, Seedling Quality Tests: Bud Dormancy, Nursery Seedlings Increase Genetic Diversity,
Thomas D. Landis