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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2000 Use of a Beneficial Strain of Trichoderma to Protect PINUS SYLVESTRIS Seedlings

Use of a Beneficial Strain of Trichoderma to Protect PINUS SYLVESTRIS Seedlings

In forest nursery practice, the mechanism of phytopathogen suppression by soil saprophytes is used to protect seedlings against root rot. An important stage is the formation and maintenance of a microbial association which will provide extended inhibition of phytopathogen development and growth of healthy seedlings. To guarantee the effectiveness of seedling protection from pathogen infection and to maintain soil microbic coenosis stability in forest nurseries, the screening of active biocontrol strains is needed. Some of the prominent fungi for biological activity against fungal diseases belong to the genus Trichoderma. Strong antagonistic activity has been found in this genus toward phytopathogenic organisms. Therefore, one of the most important factors promoting successful introduction is to find the most active strains of fungi in this genus. The purpose of our research was to search for strains that are active antagonists toward pathogens of pine seedlings, mainly damping-off caused by Fusarium spp. Five of the most promising isolates of Trichoderma were selected for inclusion a in disease suppression test. Isolates were screened for antagonistic activity towards the major damping-off pathogens of pine seedlings in the genus Fusarium. The best biocontrol candidate (strain MG) was selected.

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Author(s): T. V. Ryazanova, V. S. Gromovykh, S. V. Prudnicova, V. A. Tulpanova

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2000

Event: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference
2000 - Kona, HI