RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

National Reforestation & Restoration Directory

The directory is your online source for finding businesses that support the propagation of forest and native plant materials in the US and Canada. You can search the directory by name, state, product, or business type.

To submit updates or additions to the directory, please contact us.


30 items displayed of 1091 total.  

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Nursery Type:

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Doremus Wholesale Nursery
Douglass King Company Inc
Doyle Farm Nursery
Draggin' Wing High Desert Nursery
Drakes Crossing Nursery
Dropseed Native Nursery
Dry Valley Nurseries
Durio Nursery
Dwight Stansel Farm & Nursery
ECEC Native Plant Nursery
ECOLAGE Purveyors of Wonder
ELFS Landscaping Inc
Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd
Earth Sangha
Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery
Earthly Goods Ltd
East Texas Seed Company
Echo Nursery
Echo Valley Natives
Eco Gardens
Ecological Consultants Inc
Ecotone Inc
Edge of the Prairie Wildflowers
Edge of the Woods Native Plant Nursery LLC
Edible Landscaping
Edith J Carrier Arboretum
Edwards Greenhouse
El Nativo Growers
Elk Mountain Nursery